10 easy steps to draw G20 Logo Drawing

G20 Logo Drawing
G20 Logo Drawing

G20 Logo Drawing : The G20 logo represents a symbol of international cooperation and unity among the world’s largest economies.

Drawing this iconic logo can be a fun and rewarding project, whether you’re looking to create a poster, a simple sketch, or a detailed black-and-white image.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through ten easy steps to draw the G20 logo.

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Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Before you start drawing, make sure you have the following materials:

  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Ruler
  • Compass
  • Black pen or marker
  • Drawing paper

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Step 2: Draw the Outer Circle

Using your compass, draw a large circle in the center of your paper. This will be the outer boundary of the G20 logo. Ensure the circle is perfectly round for a professional look.

Step 3: Add the Inner Circle

Draw a slightly smaller circle inside the first one, maintaining even spacing all around. This inner circle will help you define the area where you’ll add more details later.

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Step 4: Sketch the Globe

Inside the inner circle, lightly sketch a globe. Start by drawing horizontal and vertical lines to represent the equator and prime meridian. Add more curved lines to represent the continents. Keep it simple; you can refine the details later.

G20 Logo Drawing
G20 Logo Drawing

Step 5: Draw the “G20” Text

Above the globe, in the space between the inner and outer circles, sketch the text “G20”. Use a ruler to ensure your letters are evenly spaced and aligned. This will be the centerpiece of your logo.

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Step 6: Add the Year

Beneath the globe, write the current year. This is optional, but it can add a nice touch to your drawing. Again, use a ruler for alignment.

Step 7: Outline the Design

With a black pen or marker, carefully outline all the elements of your design: the circles, the globe, the “G20” text, and the year. This will make your drawing stand out and look more polished.

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Step 8: Erase Pencil Marks

Once the ink is dry, gently erase any remaining pencil marks. Be careful not to smudge the ink as you do this.

G20 Logo Drawing
G20 Logo Drawing
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Step 9: Add Details

Go back to your globe and add finer details. You can define the continents more clearly and add any other elements that you feel are necessary to complete the logo.

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Step 10: Final Touches

Finally, review your drawing for any areas that might need touch-ups. Ensure all lines are clean and the design is symmetrical. If you’re happy with the result, your G20 logo is complete!

Source : YouTube

G20 Logo Drawing Easy

Creating the G20 logo doesn’t have to be complicated. By breaking it down into simple steps, anyone can achieve a professional-looking result. This method makes the G20 logo drawing easy and accessible to artists of all skill levels.

Poster G20 Logo Drawing

If you’re creating a poster, consider adding color to your G20 logo. Use bold and vibrant colors to make your poster stand out. You can also experiment with different background designs to enhance the overall look.

G20 Logo Drawing Black and White

A black and white G20 logo drawing can be very striking. It focuses on the clean lines and shapes, making it ideal for a more formal or minimalist presentation. This version is also great for prints and photocopies.

G20 Logo Drawing Images

For inspiration, look at various G20 logo drawing images online. These can provide different styles and interpretations of the logo, giving you ideas on how to approach your own drawing. Analyzing these images can help you understand the elements that make up the G20 logo and how they can be stylized.

G20 Logo Drawing Simple

Keeping your G20 logo drawing simple ensures clarity and elegance. Focus on the key elements: the circles, the globe, and the text. Simple designs are often more impactful and easier to reproduce.

By following these steps and tips, you can create your own G20 logo drawing that is both impressive and unique. Whether you’re making a poster, a detailed black-and-white image, or a simple sketch, this guide will help you achieve a great result. Happy drawing!


What materials do I need to draw the G20 logo?

You’ll need a pencil, eraser, ruler, compass, black pen or marker, and drawing paper.

How can I make my G20 logo drawing look professional?

Use a compass and ruler for precision, sketch lightly with a pencil first, outline with a black pen, and ensure symmetry and balance.

How do I accurately draw the globe inside the G20 logo?

Sketch the equator and prime meridian as reference lines, outline the continents lightly, use a world map for accuracy, and finalize with a pen.

Can I customize the G20 logo for a poster, and if so, how?

Yes, add colors, a themed background, additional text, digital effects, and experiment with different fonts for the “G20” text.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when drawing the G20 logo?

Avoid uneven circles, skipping the pencil sketch, rushing the outline, neglecting the ruler for straight lines, and overcomplicating the globe with too many details.

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