10 easy steps to draw Telegram Logo Drawing

Telegram Logo Drawing
Telegram Logo Drawing

Telegram Logo Drawing : Are you a fan of Telegram and want to create your own drawing of its iconic logo?

The Telegram logo, a sleek paper airplane inside a blue circle, is simple yet instantly recognizable. Follow these 10 easy steps to draw the Telegram logo accurately.

Let’s get started!

Step 1: Gather Your Materials for Telegram Logo Drawing

Before you begin, make sure you have:

  • A piece of paper
  • A pencil
  • An eraser
  • A black marker or pen
  • A blue marker or colored pencil

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Step 2: Draw a Circle

Start by drawing a perfect circle in the center of your paper. You can use a compass or trace around a round object to get an accurate shape.

Step 3: Outline the Triangle

Inside the circle, sketch a triangle that points towards the upper right. This triangle will be the main body of the paper airplane and should be slightly tilted and centered within the circle.

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Step 4: Draw the Right Wing

From the top point of the triangle, draw a line that extends slightly beyond the circle’s right edge, angling downwards. This will form the right wing of the airplane.

Telegram Logo Drawing
Telegram Logo Drawing

Step 5: Create the Left Wing

Draw another line from the bottom left corner of the triangle, extending outward and slightly upward. This line should also go beyond the circle’s edge and will be the left wing of the airplane.

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Step 6: Draw the Lower Part of the Airplane

Connect the end of the right wing to the bottom point of the triangle with a straight line. Then, draw a line from the end of the left wing to the bottom point of the triangle. This completes the lower part of the paper airplane.

Step 7: Add Details

Inside the triangle, add a line parallel to the left side to form the inner fold of the paper airplane. This line should start from the top point and end near the bottom point of the triangle.

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Step 8: Outline the Logo

Use a black marker or pen to trace over your pencil lines. This will create a clean and bold outline of the paper airplane. Allow the ink to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Telegram Logo Drawing
Telegram Logo Drawing

Step 9: Erase Pencil Marks

Gently erase any remaining pencil lines, being careful not to smudge the ink. This will leave you with a crisp outline of the Telegram Logo Drawing.

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Step 10: Color the Logo

Use a blue marker or colored pencil to fill in the circle around the paper airplane. Make sure to leave the airplane itself white to maintain the logo’s distinct look.

Telegram Logo Drawing video Source : YouTube
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And there you have it! A simple and precise drawing of the Telegram logo.

This step-by-step guide will help you create a professional-looking representation of the iconic paper airplane symbol. Enjoy your Telegram Logo Drawing!


What materials do I need to draw the Telegram logo?

You’ll need paper, a pencil, an eraser, a black marker or pen, and a blue marker or colored pencil.

How do I start drawing the Telegram logo?

Start by drawing a perfect circle in the center of your paper using a compass or by tracing a round object.

How do I draw the paper airplane in the Telegram logo?

Draw a triangle pointing to the upper right inside the circle.
Extend a line from the top point of the triangle downwards for the right wing.
Extend another line from the bottom left corner of the triangle upward for the left wing.
Connect the ends of the wings to the bottom point of the triangle.

How do I outline the Telegram logo?

Trace over your pencil lines with a black marker or pen and let the ink dry completely. Erase any remaining pencil marks for a clean outline.

How do I add color to the Telegram logo?

Fill in the circle with a blue marker or colored pencil, leaving the paper airplane white for contrast.


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