10 easy steps to draw TikTok Logo Drawing

TikTok Logo Drawing
TikTok Logo Drawing

TikTok Logo Drawing : Are you a TikTok fan looking to add a personal touch to your art? Drawing the iconic TikTok logo is a great way to show your love for the platform! Follow these 10 easy steps to create your own TikTok logo drawing.

Grab your drawing supplies, and let’s get started!

Step 1: Gather Your Materials for TikTok Logo Drawing

Before you begin, make sure you have the following materials:

  • A piece of paper
  • A pencil
  • An eraser
  • A black marker or pen
  • Colored markers or pencils (cyan, red, and white)

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Step 2: Draw the Base Circle

Start by drawing a large circle in the center of your paper. This circle will be the base of the TikTok logo. Use a compass or trace around a round object to get a perfect circle.

Step 3: Sketch the Inner Circle

Inside the large circle, draw a smaller circle, slightly off-center towards the upper left. This smaller circle will form the central part of the note.

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Step 4: Draw the Note’s Stem

From the top-left edge of the smaller circle, draw a curved line extending upwards and to the right. This line will be the stem of the musical note.

TikTok Logo Drawing
TikTok Logo Drawing

Step 5: Create the Upper Note Head

At the end of the curved line, draw a small oval. This oval represents the head of the note that extends out of the main circle.

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Step 6: Add the Lower Note Head

From the bottom-right edge of the smaller inner circle, draw another curved line extending downwards and to the right. At the end of this line, draw another small oval. This will be the second head of the note.

Step 7: Outline the Logo

Trace over your pencil lines with a black marker or pen to create a clean outline of the TikTok logo. Let the ink dry before erasing any remaining pencil marks.

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Step 8: Color the Upper Note Head

Use a red marker or colored pencil to fill in the upper note head (the small oval at the end of the upper curved line).

TikTok Logo Drawing
TikTok Logo Drawing

Step 9: Color the Lower Note Head

Use a cyan marker or colored pencil to fill in the lower note head (the small oval at the end of the lower curved line).

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Step 10: Add the White Highlights

Finally, use a white marker or pencil to add highlights to the red and cyan note heads. This gives the logo a glossy, 3D effect, making it look more professional.

TikTok Logo Drawing Source : YouTube
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And there you have it! Your very own TikTok logo drawing. Whether you’re using this for a school project, to decorate your room, or just for fun, you now have a unique piece of art that shows off your TikTok fandom. Happy drawing!


What materials are needed to draw the TikTok logo?

You’ll need a piece of paper, a pencil, an eraser, a black marker or pen, and colored markers or pencils in cyan, red, and white.

How do you start drawing the TikTok logo?

Start by drawing a large circle in the center of your paper. Inside it, draw a smaller circle slightly off-center towards the upper left.

How is the musical note in the TikTok logo drawn?

Draw a curved line from the top-left edge of the inner circle upwards and to the right, ending in a small oval. Then draw another curved line from the bottom-right edge of the inner circle downwards and to the right, ending in another small oval.

What colors are used in the TikTok logo?

Use red for the upper note head, cyan for the lower note head, and add white highlights to both for a glossy effect.

How can you make the TikTok logo look professional?

Trace your pencil lines with a black marker, let the ink dry, erase pencil marks, color the note heads accurately, and add white highlights for a 3D effect.

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